Emotion January — Maa Yoga
  • Maa Yoga & Wellness Studio (map)
  • 489 Dollarton Highway North
  • North Vancouver, BC, V7G 1M9
  • Canada

Sundays, January 22, 29 Drop ins welcome

Sundays, February 5, 12, 26 Package on sale now


eMOTION is a conscious movement class that has been thoughtfully curated to create physically accessible, fun and transformative experiences for everyone!  eMOTION elevates your entire being with immersive soundscapes and energy-liberating practices such as kundalini yoga, expressive mind-body meditations, breath work and guided relaxation for inner-care. eMOTION isn't fitness, but it is life force liberating. eMOTION isn't therapy, but it is therapeutic. Shake off stress, release energy blocks and move into your power – free, connected and fully alive!  With Heather McCullough

Heather McCullough, MA, RCC, RYT

I am so excited to be offering classes at Maa Yoga & Wellness commencing January 2023!

Drawing upon 30 years of teaching movement (yoga, pilates, fitness), my formal studies in psychology and spirituality (mind-body medicine, counselling, conscious coaching), as well as professional and personal experiences during the pandemic, I have created a new movement modality called eMOTION and its sister sheMOTION.

During the past two pandemic years, I taught classes online, completed advanced training in mind-body medicine (CMBM.org), took Compassionate Inquiry training with Dr. Gabor Mate, became a Certified Coach in Dr. Shefali's Conscious Parenting Method, worked as a Clinical Counsellor in the student health department at BCIT, and completed the Portuguese Camino together with a soul sister (we walked for 26 days covering 675 kms from Lisbon, Portugal to Santiago, Spain)!

I do hope you will consider joining me at an eMOTION and / or a sheMOTION class series.  Former students and new students welcome!  If you have any questions, feel free to email me at heather@heathermccullough.ca.  For more info, please visit heathermccullough.ca

emotion january

SUNDAYS 8:00-9:15 Am
january 8, 15, 22, 29

$ 100 + gst Pre-registration requireD | limited capacity | DROP-INS: $30.00

emotion february

SUNDAYS 8:00-9:15 Am
february 5, 12, 26

$ 75 + gst Pre-registration requireD | limited capacity | DROP-INS: $30.00


  • To receive a full refund you must withdraw online or by emailing us at info@maayoga.com more than 7 days before the first day of the series.

  • Withdrawals made 7 days, or less, prior to the first day of a multi-class program must be done by emailing us at info@maayoga.com and will be refunded less the pro-rated cost of one class.

  • No refund is available for programs after the start of the second class in the series.

  • The day the program starts is not included in the more than 7 days’ required notice.

  • In situations where there is an injury or illness, refunds may be granted with a valid doctor’s note, and will be handled case by case. Please email us at info@maayoga.com.
